6 easy tips for home cleaning

  1. Do it when there is no one at home – It will be way easier to move around when you have the house all to yourself. Schedule a time for cleaning and make the most out of it.
  2. Put every cleaning tools/solution in one place – Being organized will prevent you from moving more, therefore, saving a lot of time and energy that can be allotted to cleaning. Get a container (for example a pail), so it's easier to move around.
  3. Clean all of the clutter beforehand – Before doing everything, make sure that all the extra “stuff” is in place and organized first. Remove all of the clutter so you can focus on the areas to be cleaned. Doing this will make sure that you won't dispose of any important things and prevent any accidents that may happen also.
  4. Do one task a time – Don't try to do everything all at once. Focus on one task at a time. For example, sweep first. Do it all around the house and when you are done, move on to the next task. This will ensure a more systematic and efficient way of cleaning.
  5. Use microfiber cloths for cleaning mirrors and glass – Using a more appropriate cloth will prevent your mirrors from having a scratching and streaking. It will also be a lot easier to clean. Try it and notice the difference!
  6. Do the vacuuming and sweeping before mopping. It’s critical to remove all surface dirt and contaminants first.

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Be sure to blot and absorb the spot or stain – do not scrub! The more you scrub, the more you may spread the spot.